vendredi 10 juillet 2015

The Loc Maintenance Tips You Need To Know To Keep Your Dreads Healthy And Attractive

By Jordan Schmidt

What you wear and the make ups you use on your skin would highly influence your personality to other people who live with you or see you for the first time. However, your hairstyle may have higher influence over the clothes and make ups. For this reason, many people today opt to rock their natural hair to form unique dreadlocks or dreads. If you are among those who have dreads on their heads, you need to know the different loc maintenance tips to keep them fashionable.

Sometimes back, many people used to associated dreads with bad images and characters. In fact, they assumed that people with dreads smoke weed and they do not maintain hygiene. Others could also associate people with dreads with robbery with violence, guns and with rape cases. The community would not embrace them or look at them with positive eyes. However, the trend is changing and many people are associating dreads with many good things.

You can be sure that waiting until your natural hair rocks to form dreads is takes a long time. You cannot therefore, have these dreads and fail to care for them in the right way. You should always keep dreads in good condition if you want to get the best from them. One of the maintenance practices is moisturizing them. If you keep your dreads always dry, they would not maintain health and they would not grow to certain height.

Your nails and hair would never look great and attractive if you do not feed properly. Professionals encourage people who want to have beautiful dreads to feed on the right meals that supply the nutrients that your hair to grow. According to most Brooklyn, NY professionals, healthy follicles and scalp maintains healthy dreads. Thus, feeding on foods that supply your body with vitamins, omega 3 fatty acids, zinc and biotin is critical.

Some people with dreads do not understand what the doctors mean when they ask them to drink plenty of clean water. Water is one of the most substances your body could receive at any given time. Water keeps your body hydrated and it produces the moisture that your dreads need to be healthy and soft. If you do not take sufficient water, your skin will stay dry and the dreads will be rough.

You also need to protect your dreads from harsh weather and climates. If you want to enjoy having healthy dreads for a long time, you should learn to cover them. Use quality scarves, hats and wraps to cover your dreads. It is not good to expose your hair to extreme cold or heat. You should not walk with your dreads uncovered especially on rainy weather.

Keep your hands away from your dreads if you want to keep them clean and admirable. Many people dreads do not even realize when their hands touch the dreads. When you allow your hands on your dreadlocks always, you may not know when you are twisting them in the wrong way. On the other hand, you may easily transfer dirt and other contaminants in your hands to your dreads.

Finally, mind about the chemical hair products you use to treat them. You should ensure you know the right hair products for your hair type since different hair react differently towards different hair products. To be on the save side; avoid using products with chemical additives, bee wax and alcohol elements.

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