mardi 16 juin 2015

All About Acupuncture Back Pain Tulsa OK

By Freida Michael

Millions of people across the world suffer from back pain. In fact, it is cited most among reasons why people seek treatment. Chronic pain is difficult to manage or treat even by western medicine. It reduces the quality of life and limits the activities that patients can engage. Acupuncture back pain Tulsa OK offers the much-needed hope for these patients.

Acupuncture works in a very simple way. It originated in China and other cultures of the East many thousands of years ago. Practitioners who are called acupuncturists employ needles to provide relief. Sometimes they include additional methods such as cupping to enhance the quality of treatment. The treatment has been assimilated in modern cultures and health care after years of testing.

The treatment works in a simple way. Needles are inserted into the body through specialized acupuncture points. The needles are metallic and should be FDA approved. They can range from one to twenty in number and may be inserted either to touch barely the skin to getting into the body several inches deep. Once the needles have been mounted, the acupuncturist leaves them for between fifteen minutes to half an hour. He or she may also combine the treatment with others such as cupping that promotes vasodilation.

Combining the techniques improves the efficiency of the treatment. Scientists have suggested several ways that acupuncture works. It may stimulate nerves causing the release of endorphins and other neural or hormonal substances that mediate the perception of pain by the brain. It also works by reducing inflammation so that vascular and immune-modulatory substances are released.

When all the above chemicals come into play, they change the chemical environment that result in the activation of the self-regulation processes of the body to promote healing and relief. There are several benefits of using acupuncture that include a reduction in the number of medications typical for pain relief. Also, over the long term it saves the patient a lot of money.

Governments and health safety organisations have taken measures to keep patients safe during such treatments. For instance, it is a requirement that the needles are single use, on one individual after which they should be disposed of like any other medical waste. Also, they should be sterile, opened from a sealed pack only during use. Although the procedure looks painful because it uses needles, many patients report it to be relaxing and feel only a tingling sensation.

Acupuncture is very effective when used in combination with other conventional treatment options. It can be used on patients of all ages. The length of time required depends on the patients condition. However, one or two sessions per week are the most common. Patients with severe symptoms take longer to treat.

An appointment with an acupuncturist demands a few things. First, avoid a large meal within an hour to the appointment. Digestion may interfere with the pulse rate, and it may also get uncomfortable. Additionally, alcohol and coffee are not recommended. It is also important to dress for the occasion in loosely fitting clothes to ensure accessibility of all points.

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