mercredi 8 mai 2013

Find Out How To Utilize The S. A. I. D. Principles With Unique Chiropractic Training DVD Set

By Emilia Canale

Chiropractic manipulation DVDs are based on the principle of S. A. I. D., or specific adaptation to imposed demands. Techniques for dealing with injury through over-exertion or bad posture come from S. A. I. D. Chiropractors who have learned this theory use in in their daily practice. They apply light force, stretching and gentle turns in afflicted bodily parts to ease pain and assist recovery.

Working as a chiropractor involves trying to repair and reduce pain and injury in afflicted bodily parts. This is done by promoting the body's natural healing mechanisms. By exerting a minimum amount of force by manipulating areas of the body, balance and restoration can occur. Commonly, the back region for most people is a place where work is undertaken.

Stretching and applying stimulus to afflicted bodily areas may seem counter-intuitive, but in actuality this process sends messages to the physiology to loosen tension and repair any damage. Ligaments, musculature and any torn fiber naturally start to restore and replenish after any kind of movement, even when they are slightly damaged.

The built-in regeneration process which is natural to tissue of this type can be triggered by creating demands of injured areas. If the body part is just kept still, no repair can happen. Stiffness and pain generally are prolonged, as is the suffering of the person with the problem.

The origins of specific adaptation to imposed demands can be traced from sports science. In this discipline, the injuries that sports persons and athletes sustain have been studied. Combining this understanding with the effect of demands that are made on specific physiological parts has thrown light on how the human body goes about the job of tissue construction and repair.

The building up of muscle and bodily tissue is referred to as compensation. Repeated demand on muscles in particular, when punctuated with periods of rest, builds more tissue in direct proportion to the physical demands that are made on it. Chiropractic manipulation DVDs tap into this basic process and show how an understanding of it can help with restoring vitality to afflicted bodily parts.

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